Where does The Creator or The Logo Creator (before version 7.0) Install all of it's stuff to???The Creator began using your "Document Library" about 7 years ago when version 6.0 (It was called The Logo Creator back then) was released.
When you install the program, the actual program files (The software that makes it all work) goes in one location, typically where all your program files get installed to, and all the add on sets (the various template and image sets) go in a different location. Even though this explanation is for Windows users, the principle is the same for the MAC OS. Please do not put anything into your Laughingbird document library that does not belong: Your downloaded installation files, backup copies of zip files, stuff like that!
If you do, it confuses the program, and things simply won't work right. THE LOCATION AND STRUCTURE OF YOUR LAUGHINGBIRD DOCUMENT LIBRARY IS NON-NEGOTIABLE.